An Appraisal of Local Government Presidential System and Development: A Case Study of Nengere/Potiskum Local Government Area of Yobe State

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Danjuma Abdullahi, Mohd Dahiru Zayi, Abubakar Adamu Kotorkoshi

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Published: 19 July 2019 | Article Type :


Previous studies touched on problems of presidential system of government both at federal and state levels with no research on application of presidential system of government in Nigeria’s local government focusing on executive control, thus this research was carried out to cover the gap. Therefore, the study examines the relationship between executive control, god fatherism, corruption, leadership, presidential system as well as checks and balances on the development of Nengere/Potiskum Local Government Areas of Yobe State. Neo institution theory was used. Quantitative method was used, 400 questionnaires were distributed in both Nengere and Potiskum Local Government Areas, 380 were returned and analyzed using regression, SPSS version 25 was used in the analysis of data. The findings shows that there is relationship between Presidential system, Executive control, godfatherism, corruption and party financing and Development of Local Government in Nengere/Potiskum Local Government Areas of Yobe State, with significance of .000, .034, .000,.047 and .000 respectively. While the findings rejected two hypotheses that is leadership and checks and balances with significance of .651 and .112 respectively. The study suggests ways of improving presidential system of government in Local Government and indeed Nigeria at large by way of good governance such as minimizing corruption, good leadership and check and balances.

Keywords: Executive, leadership, legislative, local government, & presidential system.

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Danjuma Abdullahi, Mohd Dahiru Zayi, Abubakar Adamu Kotorkoshi. (2019-07-19). "An Appraisal of Local Government Presidential System and Development: A Case Study of Nengere/Potiskum Local Government Area of Yobe State." *Volume 1*, 3, 3-15